Capstone: A coping stone.
—Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Hello everyone. This is my first blog, my first English blog, and also my first blog assignment for capstone course Animal Science 499.
I’d like to give a brief introduction about myself. My name is Min Lu, from China. I am a fourth year Animal Health student major in Companion and Performance Animals. The next four months will be the last term of my undergraduated study. This blog is created based on the requirement of AnSc499 class.
At the beginning of this term, I am excited yet anxious. The reason why I am excited is because I’m going to graduate at the end of this term. The reason of me being anxious is because I’ve heard people who previously took AnSc499 talking about how overwhelming this class could be. To be honest, I am a person who can be easily affected by other people’s comments. So here I am, walking into the classroom, without any pre-judgment, I guess.
Today’s topic is “what are my goals for AnSc499?” I’d like to list my goals (i.e. what I expect from this course) while following the course objectives (i.e. what the instructor expects from us). I believe by doing this, it will help me understand the intension of this class in a more effective and more thorough way.
1. Integrate and build upon concepts, tools, information and knowledge from one of the BScAH majors, and apply them to practical problems and settings.
I do not believe in studying directly from books and that will do everything. I believe in practices which help me learn faster and more effective. I’d like to face different practical problems, and try my best figuring out solutions to deal with it. I enjoy the moment I solve the problem, not just the studying, remembering and regurgitating in exams.
2. Gain an understanding of application of scientific method to key aspects of an industry; become familiar with the relevance of the health and well-being of animals through the analysis of real-life problems, issues or needs.
I understand the importance of analysis before solving any kinds of problems. To me, getting familiar with the analytic skills is the first thing I’d like to learn. With a good understanding of analytic skills, I believe that various types of problems can be solved. At least, I will know where to begin.
3. Acquire new knowledge through teamwork, discovery, and experiential learning.
4. Gain an understanding of key areas where public perception presents challenges and opportunities relating to animal health.
5. Develop experience and understanding of professionalism and ethical conduct.
For the above three, they are the process of gaining experiences. I like the enhancement of experiences. Practice makes perfect. These three objectives fit into this saying very well. To me, no matter if it is preparation for a temporary job, or on the way pursuing a lifelong career, practice is the only thing that can make me feel confident when doing the work. I am happy to see these three objectives. I don’t know where these experiences will take me to yet, but I believe in its potential and it is definitely worth gaining.
6. Improve oral and written communication skills
Last but not least, this objective is also my ultimate goal. I have been unbelievably weak in oral and written communication skills for years. I’m still struggling for coming up with a good way to improve these skills. I'm not sure if it is because English is not my first language, or it is simply I don't fit in the community well. As long as there is a solution, I'd like to give it a shot.
A semester is relatively short as in a year, but it is relatively long as if I want to get hands on any of goals above. This term is going to be different, I hope I can make some change!
*Course Objectives are cited from AnSc499 Syllabus Winter2012